In the realm of graphic design, lies the art of problem-solving. Recently, I worked with a client seeking to refresh their brand to appear more contemporary and attract an affluent clientele through their logo's aesthetics. The client, an upscale hair salon focusing on hair coloring and facial treatments, wanted to prioritized these services over haircuts due to their higher profitability, requiring the logo to reflect this emphasis.
With these objectives in mind, I set out to create a brand identity aimed at addressing the client's needs and resonating with their target audience: financially comfortable women seeking quality facial treatments and hair coloring services. The logo would need to distinguish the brand from its competitors, helping it stand out and be timeless and memorable.

As I delved into the sketching phase, it quickly became apparent that integrating hair into the design was essential. Drawing inspiration from the fluidity of wavy hair, which can resemble the shape of the letter "S", it occurred to me that with the right typeface, I could place vector lines inside an "S" to create the look of flowing locks. Finally, by changing the inner lines to a platinum blond color, I solved the challenge of incorporating hair into the logo and communicating the salon's hair coloring services.

Through thoughtful design choices and careful execution, the logo conveys a sense of elegance, sophistication, and professionalism, successfully achieving its goals of revitalizing the brand and attracting a discerning clientele. And most importantly to me, the client was excited about it, and couldn't wait to put their new logo to use.